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Migration of Satellite 5.8 running on RHEL6

Jozef Mikovic edited this page Aug 2, 2017 · 1 revision

Migration of Satellite 5.8 running on RHEL 6 to macro container


To migrate an existing machine (virtual or physical) running RHEL 6 with installed Satellite 5 into a container which will be deployed and run on a target machine running Docker. The source machine must work without any issues as well as the target container when the migration process is done.

Note: No ports used by Satellite can be moved to different port numbers since all hosts registered with satellite would have issues.

Source application configuration specifics

Embedded PostgreSQL database

External database can be used with some limitations, see Known limitations for details

External DNS was used for translating satellite hostname to IP

Target application configuration specifics

/etc/hosts has to have a record translating old hostname to localhost ip in order to make the satellite internal services work properly.

echo >> /etc/hosts

After the migration is done, the old DNS records must be updated to point to a new IP.


Test met defined expectations:

  • Container is running after the migration
  • Satellite is accessible using GUI and through yum as client
  • IP address is the one of the host
  • The data is stored in a directory on the host, container was started off that directory instead of an images


/etc/hosts in the container must be updated after each start of the container.

Known limitations

Built-in DNS and DHCP will not work because LeApp tool v0.1 doesn’t support UDP protocol. As a result of this is that the provisioning of machines will not work.

Only one instance must be running in a time, if there is external database used. This means, either source machine, or container can run, not both at the same time. It is strongly recommended to run rhn-satellite stop before the migration procedure.