A fully scriptable UEFI bootloader.
I'm mentally insane and I have an urge of making cursed stuff- Why not, I guess?
Probably no one. Maybe r/unixporn ricers I guess?
When there's no /boot/luaboot/config.lua, luaboot will boot into a Lua REPL by default. There will be a module
called luaboot
to control everything and other stuff, such as EFI stuff, ELF parsing, and other low-level
Some files are taken and modified from Limine as well as the old rewrite branch of FaruOS (now Kora).
The files included in this repository are licensed under the MIT license.
This means you are free to use and modify luaboot and it's source code, even in a proprietary program. You don't need to open source any modifications to the source code but it's heavily encouraged to do so.
See the license for more information.
Anyone is welcome to contribute to this project. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.