A cached http client for the KrakenD framework tested on krakend-ce 1.4.1
This package exposes two simple factories capable to create a instances of the proxy.HTTPClientFactory
and the proxy.BackendFactory
interfaces, respectively, embedding an in-memory-cached http client using the package github.com/gregjones/httpcache. The client will cache the responses honoring the defined Cache HTTP header.
import (
requestExecutorFactory := func(cfg *config.Backend) proxy.HTTPRequestExecutor {
clientFactory := httpcache.NewHTTPClient(cfg)
return func(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
return clientFactory(ctx).Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
You can create your own proxy.HTTPRequestExecutor and inject it into your BackendFactory
Modified added support to redis & redis-cluster as cache backends.
Backend extra configuration block example with default values:
"backend": [
"extra_config": {
"github.com/devopsfaith/krakend-httpcache": {
"type": "redis",
"redis": {
"mode": "redis",
"address": "localhost:6379",
"dialTimeout": "100ms",
"readTimeout": "100ms",
"writeTimeout": "200ms",
"maxRetries": 0,
"idleTimeout": "5m",
"idleCheckFrequency": "1m",
"poolSize": 10,
"poolTimeout": "10ms",
"ttl": "1h",
Config options:
- type (optional, if missing
will be used for an inmemory cache):memory
redis block is required if type is set to redis
- mode (required):
- address (required): Address to the redis node or one of the redis nodes when using a cluster. Format:
- ttl: TTL to be used on all redis keys being set. Redis will expire the keys after this time. This value is independent from the Cache-Control header that the library will use to decide if the cached value is still valid or not.
Check the description of the following options in the go-redis package documentation: https://github.com/go-redis/redis
- dialTimeout:
- readTimeout:
- writeTimeout:
- maxRetries:
- idleTimeout:
- idleCheckFrequency:
- poolSize:
- poolTimeout:
How to build into krakend
We need to recompile kraken-cd in order to interpret new redis config schema
Edit krakend-ce go.mod file and in the requires section add
require (
github.com/leandroreox/krakend-rediscache v1.0
And at the end of the go.mod file add a replace sentence
replace github.com/devopsfaith/krakend-httpcache v1.4.0 => github.com/leandroreox/krakend-rediscache v1.0
re-build krakend-ce, and run it !