A simple decorator for deprecated properties, methods and classes. It can also wrap normal functions via the old-fashioned way.
Transpilers supported:
- TypeScript with
option enabled. - Babel with transform-decorators-legacy for version 6.x.
npm install deprecated-decorator --save
export declare type DeprecatedDecorator = ClassDecorator & PropertyDecorator;
export interface DeprecatedOptions {
alternative?: string;
version?: string;
url?: string;
export declare function deprecated(options?: DeprecatedOptions): DeprecatedDecorator;
export declare function deprecated(alternative?: string, version?: string, url?: string): DeprecatedDecorator;
export declare function deprecated<T extends Function>(fn: T): T;
export declare function deprecated<T extends Function>(options: DeprecatedOptions, fn: T): T;
export declare function deprecated<T extends Function>(alternative: string, fn: T): T;
export declare function deprecated<T extends Function>(alternative: string, version: string, fn: T): T;
export declare function deprecated<T extends Function>(alternative: string, version: string, url: string, fn: T): T;
export default deprecated;
Decorating a class will enable warning on constructor and static methods (including static getters and setters):
import deprecated from 'deprecated-decorator';
// alternative, since version, url
@deprecated('Bar', '0.1.0', 'http://vane.life/')
class Foo {
static method() { }
Or you can decorate methods respectively:
import deprecated from 'deprecated-decorator';
class Foo {
method() { }
alternative: 'otherProperty',
version: '0.1.2',
url: 'http://vane.life/'
get property() { }
For functions:
import deprecated from 'deprecated-decorator';
let foo = deprecated({
alternative: 'bar',
version: '0.1.0'
}, function foo() {
// ...
MIT License.