Welcome to the first project for Flatiron's Software Engineering bootcamp!
This will be a CLI (Command Line Interface) that utilizes the Studio Ghibli API (Application Programming Interface). The program will be able to get a user's input and provide that user with information on a Studio Ghibli film or director.
Thank you for taking the time to check out this project!
Clone the repository with the following git link: git@github.com:leah-hirschfeld/CLI_studio_ghibli.git
Or the following command: git clone git@github.com:leah-hirschfeld/CLI_studio_ghibli.git
Respond with movie, year, director, score or exit to interact with the CLI! Once you've decided which list you'd like to see, simply put in the number of the movie and enjoy!
Copyright (c) 2020 Leah Hirschfeld
Released under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.