FLEXO is a full-stack, one page application that utilizes Ruby on Rails for the backend, PostgreSQL for the database, and React/Redux for the frontend. This website features extraordinary cars available to rent to experience the road from a different window. Find the car that will fit the experience for you by viewing the different details each car has.
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- React
- Redux
- Twilio SMS API
- SendGrid Email API
- Google Maps API
- Google Places API
- Google Geocoding API
- Frontend to backend user authentication
- Users can view different cars in an organized manner
- Each car displays a detailed specs and information about the car
- Users are able to create their own cars for rent
- Users receive a text message/email upon signing up for an account or listing their cars
- Users can search for a car in any location with the Google Maps API
A text message is sent to the user whenever they list one of their cars. (SMS will only be sent to my personal phone due to Twilio trial account)
# ./app/controllers/api/cars_controller.rb
def create
@car = Car.new(car_params)
if @car.save
render 'api/cars/show'
"Thank you for listing your car! 🚗💨 From the only worker here, enjoy a virtual high five! 🖐 Yeah, that's all I can afford 😅"
render json: @car.errors.full_messages, status: 422
def send_message(phone_number, alert_message)
@twilio_number = ENV['twilio_number']
@client = Twilio::REST::Client.new(ENV['twilio_sid'], ENV['twilio_api_key'])
message = @client.api.account.messages.create(
:from => @twilio_number,
:to => phone_number,
:body => alert_message,
:media_url => "https://media2.giphy.com/media/QchsHzrPovJ3G/source.gif"
puts message.to
An email is sent to the user when they create an account.
# ./app/controllers/api/users_controller.rb
def create
@user = User.new(user_params)
if @user.save
render 'api/users/show'
render json: @user.errors.messages, status: 422
# ./app/mailer/user_notifier_mailer.rb
def send_signup_email(user)
@user = user
:from => ENV['FROM_EMAIL'],
:to => @user.email,
:subject => "Welcome to Flexo!",
# ./config/environment.rb
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
:user_name => 'apikey',
:password => ENV['SENDGRID_API_KEY'],
:domain => 'Flexo.com',
:address => 'smtp.sendgrid.net',
:port => 587,
:authentication => :plain,
:enable_starttls_auto => true
With Google Places API, as users search for a location the Places API autopopulates suggested locations. The location is then passed to the Google Geocoding API which will return a longitude and latitude. The Northeast and Southwest coordinates were used to filter out any cars outside of the bounds.
componentDidMount() {
let input = document.getElementById('search-bar')
let autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input);
let address;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', autocomplete);
autocomplete.addListener('place_changed',() => {
if (!autocomplete.getPlace().formatted_address) {
// use input if cannot convert to formatted address
address = autocomplete.getPlace().name;
this.setState({ address: address })
} else {
// use formatted address if available
address = autocomplete.getPlace().formatted_address;
this.setState({ address: address })
handleSubmit() {
let lat;
let lng;
let coordinates = new google.maps.Geocoder()
coordinates.geocode({ 'address': this.state.address }, (results, status) => {
if (status === 'OK') {
lat = results[0].geometry.location.lat();
lng = results[0].geometry.location.lng();
} else {
lat = 37.773972;
lng = -122.431297;
- Rentals
- Reviews