This is a LaTeX package for drawing the logo of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity using TikZ or Asymptote.
To install the cross-and-crescent package, download cross-and-crescent.sty from the Releases, and then move this file to your TeX local installation directory. If you use TeX Live on Windows, this directory is probably C:\texlive\texmf-local, and you can move cross-and-crescent.sty by entering in PowerShell:
$crossAndCrescent = 'C:\texlive\texmf-local\tex\latex\local\cross-and-crescent'
New-Item $crossAndCrescent -ItemType directory -Force
Move-Item cross-and-crescent.sty $crossAndCrescent -Force
or in Command Prompt:
set crossAndCrescent=C:\texlive\texmf-local\tex\latex\local\cross-and-crescent
if not exist %crossAndCrescent%\nul mkdir %crossAndCrescent%
move /y cross-and-crescent.sty %crossAndCrescent%
If you use MacTeX on macOS, your TeX local installation directory is probably /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local, and you can move cross-and-crescent.sty by entering in Terminal:
sudo mkdir -p $crossAndCrescent
sudo mv -f cross-and-crescent.sty $crossAndCrescent
Regardless of what platform you use, remember to run mktexlsr
after moving
cross-and-crescent.sty to your TeX local installation directory.
If you’d rather create cross-and-crescent.sty from its source, enter in PowerShell:
foreach ($i in 1..2) { lualatex cross-and-crescent.dtx }
or in Command Prompt:
for /l %G in (1, 1, 2) do lualatex cross-and-crescent.dtx
or in Terminal:
for i in {1..2}; do lualatex cross-and-crescent.dtx; done
You can use the cross-and-crescent package in a LaTeX document like this:
\draw \crossAndCrescentPath
If you just want to create a PDF file of a cross and crescent, you can enter in PowerShell or Command Prompt:
pdflatex -jobname logo "\documentclass{standalone}\usepackage{cross-and-crescent}\begin{document}\crossAndCrescent\end{document}"
or in Terminal:
pdflatex -jobname logo '\documentclass{standalone}\usepackage{cross-and-crescent}\begin{document}\crossAndCrescent\end{document}'
You can use the Asymptote script by include
-ing it. The Asymptote script
contains a single function crossAndCrescentPath
that returns an array of paths
for a cross and crescent. For example, to create the GitHub profile picture for
the lcamichigan organization, enter in
asy -outformat png -noView -command '
include crossAndCrescent;
real size = 400; size(size);
fill(scale(size) * shift(-0.5, -0.5) * unitsquare, cmyk(1, 0.6, 0, 0.6));
fill(scale(42) * crossAndCrescentPath(), cmyk(0, 0.18, 1, 0) + evenodd);
' picture.png