Introdução à Gestão - Formulário e Casos Práticos
Material for MkDocs official documentation
How to create beautiful documentation? | Material for mkdocs | Crash Course |
Deploying Static Website with MkDocs and Netlify
Industry Expert Lecture on Deploying Static Website using MkDocs and Netlify by Mr. Nilesh Dalvi
Using pip in a Python Virtual Environment
// to activate the virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
// to install a package
(venv)...$ pip install -r requirements.txt
// to preview as you write
(venv)...$ mkdocs serve
// to deactivate
(venv)...$ deactivate
Note: Everytime I make a push to GitHub it deploys the site on Netlify. The site at Netlify is connected to the GitHub repository.