Django Devour helps importing files into your database - for instance CSV. It lets you define the logic for the data import in a custom importer module. It gives you a Django management command that points to your importer module. It also provides a way to add an import button in the admin.
Install the package using something like pip and add devour
You can run tests for django-devour this way:
./ test tests --settings=devour.tests.settings
The importer is class that defines an import method. For instance,
is an importer that defines import_data(data)
It's expected to be called this way:
You can use django-adaptors to build a CSV data importer.
It gives you the import_data()
The management command expect the file name and the dotted path to the importer module:
./ devour_file <file_name> <importer>
./ devour_file accounts.csv accounts.importers.AccountCSVHandler
In the following example, we will define a Account
Django model that stores
first and last names. The importer will be using django-adaptors to
build a CSV importer. Point
# accounts/
from django.db import models
class Account(models.Model):
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
def __unicode__(self):
return '%s %s' % (self.first_name, self.last_name)
# accounts/
from adaptor import fields
from adaptor.model import CsvModel
from accounts.models import Account
class AccountCSVHandler(CsvModel):
first_name = fields.CharField()
last_name = fields.CharField()
class Meta:
delimiter = ","
dbModel = Account
silent_failure = False
# In the shell
./ devour_file accounts.csv accounts.importers.AccountCSVHandler
You can add an upload / import button in your admin page. This will call the importer that was specified in the ModelAdmin class.
# accounts/
from django.contrib import admin
from devour.admin import FileImportAdmin
from accounts.importers import AccountCSVHandler
from accounts.models import Account
class AccountAdmin(FileImportAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('first_name', 'last_name')
importer = AccountCSVHandler, AccountAdmin)
The admin class is expected to have a importer
attribute that can be either
the importer class or a dotted path to it.
Here for instance, we will have
importer = 'accounts.importers.AccountCSVHandler'
By default, we use import_data
as the import method name.
This can be changed:
DEVOUR_IMPORT_METHOD_NAME = 'my_custom_import'
With this setting, the AccountCSVHandler
importer will be called
this way: