XiaoMi fan plugins for HomeBridge.
Thanks for nfarina(the author of homebridge), OpenMiHome, aholstenson(the author of miio), all other developer and testers.
Note: If you find bugs, please submit them to issues or QQ Group: 107927710.
1.ZhiMiDCVariableFrequencyFan(智米直流变频落地扇 799RMB)
2.ZhiMiNaturalWindFan(智米自然风风扇 599RMB)
3.MiDCVariableFrequencyFan(米家直流变频落地扇 399RMB)
1.Make sure your IOS version is ios11 or later.
- Install HomeBridge, please follow it's README.
If you are using Raspberry Pi, please read Running-HomeBridge-on-a-Raspberry-Pi. - Make sure you can see HomeBridge in your iOS devices, if not, please go back to step 1.
- Install packages.
npm install -g homebridge-mi-fan
"platforms": [{
"platform": "MiFanPlatform",
"deviceCfgs": [{
"type": "ZhiMiDCVariableFrequencyFan",
"ip": "192.168.1.xxx",
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"fanName": "room fan",
"fanDisable": false,
"temperatureName": "room temperature",
"temperatureDisable": false,
"humidityName": "room humidity",
"humidityDisable": false,
"buzzerSwitchName": "fan buzzer switch",
"buzzerSwitchDisable": true,
"ledBulbName": "fan led switch",
"ledBulbDisable": true
}, {
"type": "ZhiMiNaturalWindFan",
"ip": "192.168.1.xxx",
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"fanName": "room fan",
"fanDisable": false,
"temperatureName": "room temperature",
"temperatureDisable": false,
"humidityName": "room humidity",
"humidityDisable": false,
"buzzerSwitchName": "fan buzzer switch",
"buzzerSwitchDisable": true,
"ledBulbName": "fan led switch",
"ledBulbDisable": true
}, {
"type": "MiDCVariableFrequencyFan",
"ip": "192.168.1.xxx",
"token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"fanName": "room fan",
"fanDisable": false,
"temperatureName": "room temperature",
"temperatureDisable": false,
"humidityName": "room humidity",
"humidityDisable": false,
"buzzerSwitchName": "fan buzzer switch",
"buzzerSwitchDisable": true,
"ledBulbName": "fan led switch",
"ledBulbDisable": true
setup MiJia(MiHome) app in your android device or android virtual machine.
open MiJia(MiHome) app and login your account.
refresh device list and make sure device display in the device list.
get miio2.db(path: /data/data/com.xiaomi.smarthome/databases/miio2.db) file from your android device or android virtual machine.
open website [Get MiIo Tokens By DataBase File], upload miio2.db file and submit.
Open command prompt or terminal. Run following command:
miio --discover
Wait until you get output similar to this:
Device ID: xxxxxxxx
Model info: Unknown
Address: 192.168.88.xx
Token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx via auto-token
Support: Unknown
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" is token.
If token is "???", then reset device and connect device created Wi-Fi hotspot.
Run following command:
miio --discover --sync
Wait until you get output.
For more information about token, please refer to OpenMiHome and miio.
1.add support for Mi DC VariableFrequency Fan.
2.add support for ZhiMi NaturalWind Fan.
1.update 'package.json'.
1.optimized code.
1.optimized code.
1.fixed bug that led switch error.
1.support for ZhiMi DC VariableFrequency Fan.