239 commits
to main
since this release
Patch Changes
now returns an array instead of a Zod tuple.import { getParametersExceptFirst } from "@fn-sphere/core"; const schema = { name: "test", define: z.function().args(z.number(), z.boolean()).returns(z.void()), implement: () => {}, }; isSameType(z.tuple(getParametersExceptFirst(schema)), z.tuple([z.boolean()])); // true
b9d3b0a: Rename and export
interface SingleFilter { type: "Filter"; /** * Field path * * If it's a empty array, it means the root object. * If not provided, it means user didn't select a field. */ path?: FilterPath; /** * Filter name * * If not provided, it means user didn't select a filter. */ name?: string; /** * Arguments for the filter function */ args: unknown[]; invert?: boolean; } interface SingleFilter extends SingleFilterInput { /** * Unique id, used for tracking changes or resorting */ id: FilterId; } export interface FilterGroupInput { type: "FilterGroup"; op: "and" | "or"; conditions: (SingleFilter | FilterGroup)[]; invert?: boolean; } export interface FilterGroup extends FilterGroupInput { /** * Unique id, used for tracking changes or resorting */ id: FilterId; } export type FilterRule = SingleFilter | FilterGroup;