The code for the paper: T-Rex: Text-assisted Retrosynthesis Prediction.
- pip install torchdrug
- pip install wandb
- pip install torch
- pip install transformers
- pip install openai
- pip install rdkit
cd ChemicalReaction
- First modify the "YOUR_WANDB_KEY" in scripts/train/
- Then run by the following code (you can change the parameters of fold and device):
bash scripts/train/
- or the complete code(change FOLD, DEVICE NAME to the actual fold, GPU number and project name):
bash scripts/train/ FOLD DEVICE NAME
- Test by the following code
bash scripts/train/
- samely the complete code is: (due to the bug in torchdrug, the evaluation is shown with "Evaluate on train" but actually it is testing on some file)
bash scripts/train/ FOLD DEVICE NAME
- You should have the openai key for generating the text description of the retrosynthesis pair.
- First generate candidate pairs by:
bash scripts/chatgpt/
- Then generate the text descriptions using chatgpt("gpt-3.5-turbo-0301")
bash scripts/chatgpt/
- Then train re-rank model by:
bash scripts/train/
- or the complete code(change FOLD, DEVICE NAME to the actual fold, GPU number and project name):
bash scripts/train/ FOLD DEVICE NAME
- And test by:
bash scripts/train/
- or the complete code(change FOLD, DEVICE NAME to the actual fold, GPU number and checkpoint name, which is a little different from the NAME above, it is in logs-ckpt folder):
bash scripts/train/ FOLD DEVICE NAME