A digital humanities project that documents and archives writings on the walls of Bologna as sites of resistance and vernacular memory.
Built using the Hands-On Data Visualization Storymaps template, powered by Leaflet.
Produced as part of the assessment requirements for the Laboratory course in the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge master’s degree at the University of Bologna a/y 21-22.
NOTE: This repo preserves the data for the project as it stands in Spring of 2023, one year after it was first submitted as part of the master's course. It is no longer being updated and the live version of the site can be found here where it will continue to be updated to cover at least the years 2021, 2022, and 2023.
Project and all related data uploaded to the GitHub repository are released under a CC-BY-4.0 License.
Storymaps developed by Ilya Ilyankou and Jack Dougherty with support from Connecticut Humanities and Trinity College, CT. Inspired by Code for Atlanta mapsfor.us (2016) https://github.com/codeforatlanta/mapsforus (BSD-3-Clause). Adapted from MUX Lab, Map Effects 100: https://github.com/muxlab/map-effects-100, see http://muxlab.github.io/map-effects-100/Leaflet/11_scroll-driven-map-navigation.html.
We use Google Sheets API version 4, with these open-source components:
- Leaflet v1.7.1 https://leafletjs.com (BSD-2-Clause)
- jQuery v3.5.1 https://code.jquery.com (MIT)
- PapaParse v5.3.0 to parse CSV with JavaScript (MIT)
- Font Awesome v5.8.1 https://cdn.fontawesome.com (MIT, SIL OFL 1.1)
- leaflet-providers (v1.10.2) https://github.com/leaflet-extras/leaflet-providers (BSD-2-Clause)
- Leaflet.awesome-markers (v2.0.4), manually updated to svg to allow hex and material icons https://github.com/sigma-geosistemas/Leaflet.awesome-markers (MIT)
- Leaflet.ExtraMarkers (v1.0.5) https://github.com/coryasilva/Leaflet.ExtraMarkers (MIT)
- jQuery-CSV (v1.0.11) https://github.com/evanplaice/jquery-csv (MIT)
- Single Element CSS Spinner (31 May 2016) https://github.com/lukehaas/css-loaders (MIT)
- Lightbox by Lokesh Dhakar (v.2.11.3) https://github.com/lokesh/lightbox2 (MIT)