Contracts, artifacts and tests for LiquiSOR NFT Marketplace.
Dns Record
- DeNS contract from Can be traded on the marketplace. -
NFT Collection
- Token collection. Current approach follows "no-token-wallet" idea.
The idea behind Collections is that a person can (and should) have multiple collections that group NFTs logically. Logical grouping implies keeping Flower NFTs
in one collection, Coin NFTs
in the other, Pokemon NFTs
in third, etc.
Collection also has media (like NFT does) and is used to keep Collection cover and description.
- Original TIP-3 NFTs suggested having a wallet that keeps the list of IDs, and each ID represents an NFT. This approach limits the freedom of NFT creation as NFTs arefaceless
IDs that mean nothing without target media.
Our approach extends NFTs to be Token = Contract
, each NFT is a separate contract that holds arbitrary attributes and has the owner.
- Factory is a helper contract that can create NFT Collections and auctions. -
- Auction contract that acts like escrow to run secure deals between two people. An asset is locked during auction time and is released only after money is received or auction period is over.
Returns the NFT information using the following structure:
struct nftInfo
uint32 dtCreated;
address ownerAddress;
address authorAddress;
- NFT creation date in UNIX time.
- Address of the current NFT owner. Can only be another contract's address (Multisig is preferred), can't be external (e.g. Public Key).
- Address of the NFT creator, can't be changed.
function getInfo() external view returns (nftInfo)
function callInfo() external responsible view returns (nftInfo)
Returns the NFT media data using the following structure:
struct nftMedia
bytes[] contents;
bytes extension;
bytes name;
bytes comment;
bool isSealed;
- NFT contents. Either binary file (every array item represents a chunk in binary hex), or arbitrary link/hash to NFT media.
- Type of the contents: extension for binary files (e.g. gif
, png
, mp4
etc.) or type for the link/hash (e.g. #url
, #hash
, #address
- Name of the token, e.g. Mona Lisa
- Arbitrtary comment of the token.
- Sealing means finalizing token contents. Sealed token can't be changed anymore. Sealed token can be transfered to another owner.
function getMedia() external view returns (nftMedia)
function callMedia() external responsible view returns (nftMedia)
Returns current owner address.
function getOwnerAddress() external view returns (address)
function callOwnerAddress() external responsible view returns (address)
Transfers ownership of the NFT to newOwnerAddress
. NFT needs to have attribute isSealed
to perform the transfer.
ACCESS: Owner; Sealed.
function changeOwner(address newOwnerAddress)
function callChangeOwner(address newOwnerAddress) external responsible returns (address)
Uploads data
into partNum
array index of total partsTotal
array length.
is used to directly upload data without multisig (transferring TONs to NFT account is rewquired, because tvm.accept()
is used).
REASONING: Forward fees for 1 Kb of data cost 0.01 TON, when uploading via multisig you pay double fees (first is external message to multisig; second - message from multisig to NFT). Direct upload allows you to pay only for one forward fee.
ACCESS: Owner (or Pubkey if set); Not Sealed.
function setMediaPart(uint256 partNum, uint256 partsTotal, bytes data)
function setMediaPartExternal(uint256 partNum, uint256 partsTotal, bytes data)
Seals the media, populating media extenstion
, name
and comment
. name
and comment
are arbitrary. Also removes uploaderPubkey
ACCESS: Owner; Not Sealed.
function sealMedia(bytes extension, bytes name, bytes comment)
Owner can touch his NFTs (One of the ways to pay storage fees for the contract).
ACCESS: Owner.
function touch()
Creates a new Collection with ownerAddress
and optional uploaderPubkey
to upload the cover. This Pubkey can be used to directly update media inside Collection (while not yet Sealed).
constructor(address ownerAddress, uint256 uploaderPubkey)
Creates an empty NFT with optional uploaderPubkey
. This Pubkey can be used to directly update media inside NFT (while not yet Sealed).
function createEmptyNFT(uint256 uploaderPubkey)
Creates a new NFT with ownerAddress
and optional uploaderPubkey
to upload media. This Pubkey can be used to directly update media inside NFT (while not yet Sealed).
ACCESS: Collection contract only.
constructor(address ownerAddress, uint256 uploaderPubkey)
Creates a new Collection with collectionName
, ownerAddress
, optional ownerPubkey
and optional uploaderPubkey
to upload the cover. This Pubkey can be used to directly update media inside Collection (while not yet Sealed).
function createNFTCollection(bytes collectionName, address ownerAddress, uint256 ownerPubkey, uint256 uploaderPubkey)
Creates a new Auction to sell DnsRecord contract.
LIMITATIONS: Yo can't create an auction with duration more than 14 days, we don't want your asset to be locked for years.
function createAuctionDnsRecord(address escrowAddress,
uint128 escrowPercent,
address sellerAddress,
address buyerAddress,
address assetAddress,
AUCTION_TYPE auctionType,
uint128 minBid,
uint128 minPriceStep,
uint128 buyNowPrice,
uint32 dtStart,
uint32 dtEnd)
Creates a new Auction to sell LiquidNFT contract.
LIMITATIONS: Yo can't create an auction with duration more than 14 days, we don't want your asset to be locked for years.
function createAuctionLiquidNFT(address escrowAddress,
uint128 escrowPercent,
address sellerAddress,
address buyerAddress,
address assetAddress,
AUCTION_TYPE auctionType,
uint128 minBid,
uint128 minPriceStep,
uint128 buyNowPrice,
uint32 dtStart,
uint32 dtEnd)
- Anyone can participate,Buy Now
price is optional. Higher bets cancel previous bets. -
- Anyone can participate, but there is no bid war, onlyBuy Now
price is set. First buyer gets an asset. -
- Private sale with onlyBuy Now
price set. Secure way to sell an asset to desired buyer.
Auction checks that he is the owner of the asset. In order to start an Auction asset's ownerAddress
should be changed to Auction address. It excludes any frauds and scam actions that asset owner can try to plot.
If the asset is transferred, calling this function will start the Auction automatically.
ACCESS: Seller only (and only before auction starts).
function receiveAsset()
Place a bid. All incoming value (excluding 0.5 TON to cover the fees, the change will be returned to the sender) is considered as a bet value. Money are held until someone beats you bet or until Auction is over.
function bid()
Cancels current auction.
ACCESS: Seller only (and only while there are no active bets).
function cancelAuction()
Finalizes auction results when auction is over. If there is a buyer, he gets an asset and seller gets the money. If there is no buyer, seller gets an asset back.
function finalize()