octodon is a configuration editor for SSH config files.
It may look like octodon is trying to fix a non-existent problem, but it's not like that. Imagine that you work for two companies or you have one laptop that you use for both your personal work and the company where you're in.
Now, unfortunately both situations require to use a GitHub account and you have in your configuration specific instructions as to the user, port etc. to use for your github account, but also for the company and both cannot coexist in the configuration file. This program fixes that situation.
- Environments: It supports multiple separate environments for config files/keys
- Search: Search for your hosts instead of scrolling through hundreds of entries.
- GTK3+
- Python 3.7+
- Python GObject
- Paramiko
$ yay -S octodon-git
$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~oscarcp/octodon
$ cd octodon
$ ./octodon
$ ./octodon
usage: octodon [-h] [-g] [-l] [-c CREATE] [-a ACTIVATE] [-r REMOVE]
Octodon SSH environments selector and editor.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g, --gui start the graphical interface
-l, --list list all available environments
-c CREATE, --create CREATE
create a new environment
-a ACTIVATE, --activate ACTIVATE
change to the specified environment
-r REMOVE, --remove REMOVE
delete an environment. WARNING: This will delete your keys as well!
MIT License
Although this project was in my head for a long time, I have to give thanks to emre and his storm project for giving me the inspiration and some ideas on how to start.