License Connector is continous integration tool for License Server package. This package is using for connect your Laravel project with License Server.
Publish store migrations
Get via composer
composer require laravel-ready/license-connector
Configs are very important. You can find them in license-connector.php file. You should read all configs and configure for your needs.
#publish configs
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=license-connector-configs
As you can see, this validation process is very simple and anyone is can break this license flow.
use LaravelReady\LicenseConnector\Services\ConnectorService;
$licenseKey = '46fad906-bc51-435f-9929-db46cb4baf13';
$connectorService = new ConnectorService($licenseKey);
$isLicenseValid = $connectorService->validateLicense();
if ($isLicenseValid) {
// License is valid
echo 'License is valid';
} else {
// License is invalid
echo 'License is not valid';
To passing custom data
$customData = ['email' => ''];
$isLicenseValid = $connectorService->validateLicense($customData);
- This package is under active development and is not yet stable. There may be some changes in later versions.
- Don't forget this package just provides management of licenses and server communication.
- Please don't confuse it with ioncube or similar source code encryption tools.