Repository of the 3D model of the Robotics Laboratory (LAR) of UFBA to be used in the Gazebo.
Use git to clone this repository to you workspace:
git clone
Then, build your workspace:
catkin build
NOTE: you should use catkin tools to work propely with this package. Checkout catkin tools documentation.
Use the command below in your terminal to setup and launch gazebo with all models of LAR:
roslaunch lar_gazebo lar_world.launch
With Husky
You can do it by typing in your terminal:
roslaunch lar_gazebo lar_husky.launch
You must install the husky packages of simulation in your machine to perform the command above. Checkout Simulating Husky documentation to installation tutorial.
If you open through the launchers, it's open automatically with shadows disabled.
Else, you have to disable directly on Gazebo GUI:
- With gazebo open, go to left panel and find Scene, in world tab;
- Click on the Scene;
- Now search for shadows;
- And, finally uncheck the square right after shadows;
NOTE: If you've getting lost visit the tutorial of gazebo GUI (Graphical User Interface).
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.