This provides the functional interface with OctoROS and FIROS.
Before you proceed with any of these instructions make sure to go individually to each folder (/firos
) and (/octoros_adapted
) and follow the installation instructions!
Make sure to clone everything to your workspace, supposing it's called catkin_ws
. Go to the root of your catkin_ws
then make it:
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
Now source your workspace:
$ source devel/setup.bash
Follow the installation instructions separately for each folder and when everything is done follow the following steps to print a part and send the data to the broker:
Run the Octoprint interface:
$ run_octoprint
Print the part using OctoROS:
Launch FIROS:
$ roslaunch firos firos.launch
To check if OctoROS is retrieving the data from the printer, do the following:
$ rostopic echo /printer3d