Render vega and vega-lite specs in atom
- Valid vega and vega-lite specs are displayed in the side panel, triggered by the 'ctrl-shift-v' keybinding.
- If ctrl-shift-v is triggered on a "non" vega-spec file a blank "tab" is rendered.
- data can come from a local data file and can be specified via a relative file://url. See the examples in the data directory.
- Fixed the "relative data url" behavior so that it should work regardless of where the spec and data files are. The location is defined in terms of the location of spec file. For example: "data": {"url": "file://./stocks.csv", "format": {"type": "csv"}} will load data from the stocks.csv file located in the same directory as the vega-lite spec that contains it. (See the specs and data in examples directory of the project.)