A series of d3.js sparklines for PLOS Article-Level Metrics (ALM) API JSON results at the article level.
An example can be found on the github page
These visualizations were inspired by conversations at the Alt-Viz hackathon group hosted by PLOS in November 2012. More info
almviz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
almviz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
- import alm.js
- import almviz.css and jqueryUi.css (if not already using jqueryUI)
- declare options object
- almStatsJson: The JSON response from the ALM app
- additionalStatsJson (optional): an additional source (for appending to ALM app response)
- baseUrl: URL of ALM installation for pointing users back
- minItemsToShowGraph*: assoc array with the following keys, declaring conditions for when to show graph
- minEventsForYearly
- minEventsForMonthly
- minEventsForDaily
- minYearsForYearly
- minMonthsForMonthly
- minDaysForDaily
- hasIcon: array of sources that have icons on the ALM server
- showTitle: boolean to display the title of the article at the top of the visualization
- categories: array of objects with the following keys: name, display_name, tooltip_text
- i.e., [{ name: "html", display_name: "HTML Views", tooltip_text: "Total number of HTML page views for this article. "}, { name ... }]
- vizDiv (optional): a selector where to place the whole thing (defaults to #alm)
- declare AlmViz object: var almviz = new AlmViz(options);
- initialize the Viz: almviz.initViz();
options = {
baseUrl: 'http://pkp-alm.lib.sfu.ca',
minItemsToShowGraph: {
minEventsForYearly: 6,
minEventsForMonthly: 6,
minEventsForDaily: 6,
minYearsForYearly: 6,
minMonthsForMonthly: 6,
minDaysForDaily: 6
hasIcon: ['wikipedia', 'scienceseeker', 'researchblogging', 'pubmed', 'nature', 'mendeley', 'facebook', 'crossref', 'citeulike'],
showTitle: true,
categories: [{ name: "html", display_name: "HTML Views", tooltip_text: 'Total number of HTML page views for this article. These views are recorded directly within the system itself. Overall monthly view counts may also be available.' },
{ name: "pdf", display_name: "PDF Downloads", tooltip_text: 'Total number of PDF views and downloads for this article. These views are recorded directly within the system itself. Overall monthly view counts may also be available.' },
{ name: "likes", display_name: "Likes", tooltip_text: 'Likes found in social networks such as Facebook.' },
{ name: "shares", display_name: "Shares", tooltip_text: 'Shares or bookmarks in social networks such as Facebook, CiteULike and Mendeley. In most cases, clicking on the number of shares will take you to a listing in the network itself.' },
{ name: "comments", display_name: "Comments", tooltip_text: 'Comments are .' },
{ name: "citations", display_name: "Citations", tooltip_text: 'Citations of this article found in CrossRef, PubMed and Wikipedia. In most cases, clicking on the citation count will take you to a listing in the referencing service itself.' }],
d3.json('alm.json', function(data) {
options.almStatsJson = data
var almviz = new AlmViz(options);