Hi! I'm a programmer from Finland. I work as embedded software developer with C++ and Python and dream about working in gamedev. I've studied C in Hive Helsinki coding school and I use Rust and C# in my hobby projects.
I like to make games in my free time because it's a nice way to learn new things and polish existing skills while having fun. During various game jams and other projects I've tried different languages (Rust, C++, C#, C, Javascript) and collaborated with interesting people. Also I practiced art skills from my previous education by creating almost all assets. Here is a couple of these games:
- Mergerration solo for Acerola Game Jam in Rust.
- Crazy Cats solo for Ludum Dare 50 in Rust.
- Harvest team project for Ludum Dare 52 in Rust.
- BLASIC 3D game with my friends in Rust for the Bevy Game Jam 3.
- Minesweeper solo classic game implementation in C++ with SDL
- BioCareerMan2 team project in Rust for the 2nd Hive Helsinki Game Jam
- No Way Out? collab with my Hive teammates in JS for Hive Helsinki Game Jam.
- Brave Crab collab with my friends in Rust for the Bevy Game Jam.
I have also completed two and a half AdventOfCode years in a row, one with Python and others with Rust. These challenges are well-balanced and create a perfect opportunity to learn a new language or find new tricks for the one you already use. They also require a lot of determination and I'm proud of finishing them two times.
I can be very productive working solo but almost always prefer working in a team. Pair-programming sessions motivate me and increase my productivity.
For more convenient navigation through my repositories you can check these lists of examples: