Bazdidan is project that use for buy house or get help from estate company agent to find your favorite house, in this typeof project you can search based on your requirement and if any estate company agent has any options that related to your requirement, send notification to them to connect to you and talk with you.
- Typescript
- NestJS (Framework)
- PrismaOrm (Object Relational Mapper)
- PostgresDB (Database)
- WebSocket (To Implement Chat App)
- Server Sent Event Stream (LightWeight Protocol Messaging From Server To Client)
- Jwt Authentication (Keep Protected Route)
- Swagger (Api Documentation For Frontend Developer)
- Localization (Multiple Language Support)
- Docker and Docker Compose (Dockerize project)
this project config and dockerize by docker and docker compose, so you just need to install docker and docker compose tools to use this api, after installation you just need to run this command
- sudo docker-compose up --build -d
- the api run at port 8080 but you can change default port from docker compose