CMeasure is C++ tool designed to interact and collect data produced by the National Instruments DAQ Device USB-6009.
This software can be used to collect and proccess thousands samples of instantaneous power measurements per second. By integrating over these samples, we can calculate the total energy (in Joules) spent by a target device.
This repository also contains a simple R script that may be used to produce power charts out of the output produced by CMeasure.
- National Instruments NI-DAQmx driver:
- ** After installing the driver you must restart your computer before proceeding!
- Version 15.5.1 is the one supporting the widest range of Operating Systems, going from Microsoft Windows XP to Windows 10. However, the most recent version, 19, also works very well for modern OSs.
- Microsoft Visual Studio C++ Building Tools
- ** Scroll down to the All Downloads section and then to the Tools for Visual Studio. You should find a link to the Build Tools for Visual Studio.
- Open the Makefile with you text editor.
notepad Makefile
- Update the WIN_NIDAQMXBASE_INCLUDE, setting it to the include dir inside the National Instrumments install folder.
WIN_NIDAQMXBASE_INCLUDE = C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include
- Update the WIN_NILIB, setting it to the NIDAQmx.lib library inside the National Instrumments lib dir.
WIN_NILIB = C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\lib\msvc\NIDAQmx.lib
- Update paths for MS Visual Studio Building Tools:
WIN_CPPINCLUDE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.22.27905\include
WIN_CRTINCLUDE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\ucrt
WIN_SHAREINCLUDE = C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\shared
WIN_CPPLIB = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.22.27905\lib\onecore\x86\*lib
WIN_CPPINCLUDE contains headers for C/C++ standard library and others.
WIN_CRTINCLUDE contains headers for extra libraries, like string.h, assert.h, tchar.h and others.
WIN_SHAREINCLUDE contains headers for specific MS Windows libraries, for example the sdkddkver.h header.
WIN_CPPLIB contains static libraries required for building the tool, for example the libcpmt.lib.
Just type the command below.
If you already set all the environment variables described above, you should have an executable inside the bin dir.
The release version of CMeasure should work out-of-the-box in most computers. It is compiled in a MS Windows 10 machine, targetting the x86 arch. with 32-bits. The NI-DAQmx driver is still REQUIRED. So, you must install it before using any release version provided in
The Tool is designed to work with both Relay-based and Trigger-based circuits.
CMeasure.exe RunningType -s Samples -o Output <OPTIONS>
- RunningType is one of -AP -LV -NT or -TE
-AP = Triggered by All Points (Continuous Sample Collection) (default)
-LV = Triggered by Last Value
-NT = No Trigger
-TE = Triggered by Total Energy
-AT = Triggered Automatically
CMeasure + RELAY-based circuit must be executed with the Triggered All Points Options
- Samples is maximum number of samples to be collected (Only for NT, LV, AT)
- Output is the name for the output file
- OPTIONS may be any of -v -sg -sr
Use this to set the board operating voltage,
SHUNT GAIN of the resistor and sampling rate.
(ex: use -v 12 for 12 Volts)
(ex: use -sg 10 for a gain of 10))
(ex: use -sr 48000 for rate of 48KHz))" << endl;
CMeasure.exe -AP -o log.txt -v 5 -sg 10 -sr 12000
In order to manipulate states, enabling or disabling energy measurement, you must first prepare the operating system of the target embedded device. Let's supose you are using and Odroid Xu4 device with the GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04 OS.
echo 31 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio165/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio156/value
For detailed information access the Examples folder
For complete C/C++ or JAVA libraries access the CodeLibraries folder
int gpioSetValue (unsigned int gpio, unsigned int value) {
int fileDescriptor;
char commandBuffer[64];
snprintf(commandBuffer, sizeof(commandBuffer),
"/sys/class/gpio/gpio%d/value", gpio);
fileDescriptor = open(commandBuffer, 01);
if (fileDescriptor < 0) {
char errorBuffer[128] ;
"gpioSetValue unable to open gpio%d",gpio) ;
return fileDescriptor;
if (value && write(fileDescriptor, "1", 2) != 2) {
return fileDescriptor;
} else if (write(fileDescriptor, "0", 2) != 2) {
return fileDescriptor;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Do something without measuring energy
// We are not measuring energy consumption
// in foo().
// Start measuring energy:
gpioSetValue(31, 0);
// Do something measuring energy, e.g.:
// Measure the energy consumed by bar();
// Stop measuring energy.
gpioSetValue(31, 1);
// Function baz() runs without energy
// Measurement
return 0;
NOTE: As illustrated in the code above the energy measurement starts with the value 0 and is disabled with the value 1. @Example taken from
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