ZenTao is the #1 Team Collaborative Tool for R&D teams in China with 1.4 Million Users. It has many users, such as Twitter, Lenovo, etc. Here is its official website:
The new version of ZenTao has a backend RCE vulnerability.
18.0 <= versions <= newest(18.10)
By accessing repo-create, you can learn the value of $clientVersionFile, and the key code is located in the checkClient
method of /app/zentao/module/repo/model.php
$clientVersionFile = $this->session->clientVersionFile;
$clientVersionFile = $this->app->getLogRoot() . uniqid('version_') . '.log';
$this->session->set('clientVersionFile', $clientVersionFile);
if(file_exists($clientVersionFile)) return true;
$cmd = $this->post->client . " --version > $clientVersionFile";
dao::$errors['client'] = sprintf($this->lang->repo->error->safe, $clientVersionFile, $cmd);
A directory with the path $clientVersionFile can be created through upgrade-moveExtFiles, and the key code is located at the moveExtFiles
method of /app/zentao/module/upgrade/model.php
$data = fixer::input('post')->get();
$customRoot = $this->app->appRoot . 'extension' . DS . 'custom';
$response = array('result' => 'success');
foreach($data->files as $file)
$dirRoot = $customRoot . DS . dirname($file);
$fileName = basename($file);
$fromPath = $this->app->getModuleRoot() . $file;
$toPath = $dirRoot . DS . $fileName;
if(!mkdir($dirRoot, 0777, true))
Then, restricted commands can be executed through repo-create. Key code for command execution located at the checkConnection
method of /app/zentao/module/repo/model.php
$scm = $this->post->SCM;
$client = $this->post->client;
$account = $this->post->account;
$password = $this->post->password;
$encoding = strtoupper($this->post->encoding);
$path = $this->post->path;
if($encoding != 'UTF8' and $encoding != 'UTF-8') $path = helper::convertEncoding($path, 'utf-8', $encoding);
if($scm == 'Subversion')
/* Get svn version. */
$versionCommand = "$client --version --quiet 2>&1";
exec($versionCommand, $versionOutput, $versionResult);
The key code for command filtering is located at the checkClient
method of /app/zentao/module/repo/model.php
if(preg_match('/[ #&;`,\|*?~<>^()\[\]{}$]/', $this->post->client))
dao::$errors['client'] = $this->lang->repo->error->clientPath;
return false;
Commands can be executed to copy /app/htdocs/index.php
to /app/zentao/www/y.php
, rename x.php
in that directory to x.php.bak
, rename y.php
to x.php
, and replace “isset” with “system” in x.php
Then, by directly accessing x.php
and passing the parameter mode
, we can execute command.
You can see it at Demonstrate.mp4 of this repository.
You can get it at zentao18-rce-exp.py of this repository.
This repository is for learning purposes only, do not use it in real-world scenarios, and all consequences are the responsibility of the user.