Forage Quest is a Phaser 3 proof of concept game to explore simple top down gameplay. The goal of the game is to complete simple quests by foraging the requested items from the map.
- Keyboard
- XBox Controller
- PS4/5 Controller
- Switch Pro Controller
- WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- nodejs 16+
- yarn 2+
- git
Install and run WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
wsl --install wsl
Install git
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install git-all
Install nvm (node version manager)
curl -o- | bash source ~/.bashrc
Install nodejs
nvm install node
Install yarn via corepack
corepack enable corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate
Install Visual Studio Code
Create a workspace folder in your home directory
mkdir ~/workspace cd ~/workspace
Clone the repository
git clone cd foragequest
Run yarn to install dependencies for the project
Open VS Code to the project directory
code .
Install VS Code Extensions
Start the project
yarn dev