Blazing through some code to get a nice, printable directory for our church.
I normally have good test coverage, but this is just a proof of concept, so no tests :)
We use for our membership database. However, their membership directories leave something to be desired. This allows us to import the Excel files that they export, and then display it nicely.
NOTE: The export must be re-saved as a normal .xls first.
Suggestions for DB Management:
- Add birth order number for children so we don't need to store birth year - Make sure any ", Jr." or ", Sr." shoudl be at the end of the first_name. e.g. Charles "Butch", Sr not Charles, Sr "Butch" - For those that are adult children consider having them be non-dependents
### S3 setup (one-time on Heroku)
“‘bash heroku config:set AWS_BUCKET=your_bucket_name heroku config:set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your_access_key_id heroku config:set AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your_secret_access_key “`
### Heroku Deployment
“‘bash git push heroku master heroku run rake db:migrate heroku restart “`
Set up a church:
“‘bash heroku rake setup_church # won’t let you have spaces and quotes “‘
Add user to a church:
“‘bash heroku rake add_church_user # won’t let you have spaces and quotes “‘
“‘bash heroku logs “`
Dealing with Database Sizes:
We sometimes get warnings about database sizes being too large. This is usually due to CSV upload rows.
“‘bash heroku rake table_sizes heroku rake truncate_csv_log “`