PinchZoom.js is a Javascript library providing multi touch gestures for zooming and dragging on any DOM element.
- jQuery or Zepto.
- ECMA 5 support (
new PinchZoom($('#your-element'), options);
tapZoomFactor: The zoom factor a double tap zooms to. (default 2)
zoomOutFactor: Resizes to original size when zoom factor is below the configured value. (default 1.3)
animationDuration: The animation duration in milliseconds. (default 300)
maxZoom: The maximum zoom factor. (default 4)
minZoom: The minimum zoom factor. (default 0.5)
lockDragAxis Locks panning of the element to a single axis. (default false)
zoomStartEventName Registers a custom handler to be triggered by the ZoomStart event (default pz_zoomstart)
zoomEndEventName Registers a custom handler to be triggered by the ZoomEnd event (default pz_zoomend)
dragStartEventName Registers a custom handler to be triggered by the DragStart event (default pz_dragstart)
dragEndEventName Registers a custom handler to be triggered by the DragEnd event (default pz_dragend)
doubleTapEventName Registers a custom handler to be triggered by the DoubleTap event (default pz_doubletap)
enable: Enables all gesture capturing (default)
disable: Disables all gesture capturing
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.