Software that applies conditional formatting and marks student excel spreadsheets for lecturers.
MYS will compare an answer spreadsheet (template) with your student assignments (folder containing students xlsx files). The template is what you would like to be compared and is created by the lecturer. Refer to the images near the bottom of the document for examples.
Mark Your Spreadsheet was developed as a project for the SHIFT programme run by Signal ICT Grad School in Dunedin - New Zealand.
The client was Otago Polytechnic's College of Enterprise and Development.
The program was built in Python.
Group Members:
Karl Bailey, Kay Baldock, Farrel Burns, Lee Wannacott
If you want a hands on demonstration of how the program works you can load the files in the "Example files" folder.
First step is clicking the hyperlink "MYS-V5.exe", downloading the exe file and double clicking to run the executable. Windows may ask if you want to run the exe.
Note: You may click on the following images to make them bigger:
Instructions shown on User Interface. Refer to Readme pdf for indepth instructions.
Students details sheet needs to be added to front page of students xlsx workbooks. Downloadable from Github
Example of what the default processing option "All sheets" does.
Example of what the second option "Highlighted areas" does.
Example of summary marking sheet produced at the end. Note: When prompted enable content for live linking.