Links to free (mostly?) resources for learning about Data Science
Link to resources about AI and ML best practices
Links to freely available books
Blogs discussing AI/ML topics
List of online certifications
Competitions with prize money!
List of links to datasets, repositoies and dumps
Links to the homepages of the most influencial people in AI/ML/DL
Links to websites/resources that prepare you for interviews
This repository provides a list of either literature review or methods comparisons. No other resources are listed here. Essentially, anything giving an overview of methods or something which provides some guidance between the zoo of model once faces. Ordered by the most recent to the oldest published.
Hopefully they'll not spam you every day!
Links to resources worth of reading
News on AI/ML/DL topics
Newsletter on AI/ML/DL topics
Links to other useful Git-Hub repositories providing a huge breath of additional resources
Non academic courses, focused on programming and deployment
Links to python online courses
🎙 Podcasts
List of podcasts on ML/AI/DL
List of links to different kind of resources
A list of non-academic publications
Scientific articles repositories
Links to some university courses homepages where the instructors published notes, codes and much more
Links to courses/lectures available in video format