this repo contains a python program designed to solve checkers endgame puzzles using minimax and alpha-beta pruning. the objective is to ensure the red player wins in the fewest moves possible while the black player attempts to prolong the game.
here, checkers is two-player played on an 8x8 grid (we use english draughts rules).
key features
- alpha-beta pruning: to reduce number of nodes explored
- depth-limited search: to balance performance and computation time (greater the depth, the more states we search, but takes longer)
- -node ordering: ordered my successors by eval function to try and speed up alpha-beta pruning.
- evaluation function: estimates utility of non-terminal states.
use command line inputs like the following:
python3 --inputfile <input file> --outputfile <output file>
under Scripts/, there are two scripts, use
there are two examples under Examples/, you can make your own examples too!