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This is the Week 3 weekend challenge from Makers Academy. The challenge was to design a rock, paper, scissors game to the following specification:
- A player can register their name before playing an online game
- A player can play a game of Rock Paper Scissors
- A player is presented with the choices Rock Paper Scissors
- A player can choose any option
- The computer opponent will choose a random option
- A winner will be declared
Project consists of a Game, Player and Computer class, and a Weapons module.
- Players can now also choose Lizard or Spock
- Players can choose to do a rematch after a game has ended
- CSS added to make the whole thing a little less hideous!
- Code is written in Ruby
- Testing done using RSpec
- Sinatra Framework (DSL) used to create web application using Ruby
- Coveralls used to assess test coverage
- Travis CI used to check build status (badge displayed below)
- Fork this repo, and clone to your local machine
- Run the command
gem install bundle
(if you don't have bundle already) - When the installation completes, run
to install all of the gems needed to run the game
- Start up the game on a local server by entering command
ruby app.rb
[16:06:30] KimWilson:rps-challenge git:(master) $ ruby app.rb
[2016-12-20 16:06:34] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2016-12-20 16:06:34] INFO ruby 2.2.3 (2015-08-18) [x86_64-darwin14]
== Sinatra (v1.4.7) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from WEBrick
[2016-12-20 16:06:34] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=99059 port=4567
- Go to your preferred web browser (I like Chrome) and navigate to localhost:4567
- Try to beat the computer!
Optional: If you wish to run the tests for this project, enter rspec
into your command line. If you wish to view the test coverage, enter coveralls report
into your command line.
I would like to add a Multiplayer option in the future. This would allow two players to play against each other in the same browser. In order to do this a Game class would be initialized with two players, the first would always be an instance of the Player class, the second could be another Player class or would default to a Computer class if a second player name is not given by the user.
A Computer class does currently exist and has the capacity to choose a weapon. I would like to complete my work on the Computer class. This will involve removing the responsibility of choosing a wespon for the computer from my Game class. Ultimately the Game class will not care who the two players are - player vs player, or player vs computer - as it will function the same either way.
Choose Your Weapon:
Game win:
Game Loss:
Game Draw:
This repo works with Coveralls to calculate test coverage statistics on each pull request.