CLI for WorkFlowy inspired by WWW:WorkFlowy
WorkFlowy does not maintain an external API, so the cli can break anytime. Do not use it for anything mission critical.
Please note that the package supports Python 2.7 only.
Install it using pip
pip install wfw
Configure the tool using a configuration file. The name of the file have to be .wfwrc and it is must be located in the home directory. If the following options are not set properly, connecting to the server is not possible.
[user] email: password: secretpass
Add new item to list.
wfw add "My list" "Shopping list"
wfw add places home
Agenda view of a node's children.
item: root of the agenda
wfw agenda ThisWeek
Export the list to file. The output file can be imported to hnb.
filename: path to file, default: tree.exported in current directory
wfw export
wfw export my-pretty-file
Fetch list from WorkFlowy server.
wfw fetch
Find items using pattern matching.
pattern: pattern that matches the item
wfw find TODO
wfw find ba*
Show statistics based on the items state.
wfw info tasks
item: root of the group of tasks
Remove item from list.
wfw rm "My list" TODOs
wfw rm TODO shopping
Prints list until given depth.
wfw show
wfw show 2
wfw show --root personal 3
Find items containing the given tag.
tag-to-find: name of tag to find
wfw tag @work
wfw tag "#ThisWeek"
Noemi Vanyi