A PowerShell module that makes interfacing with Azure Pipelines a bit easier.
The module can be installed for the PSGalley by running the command below.
Install-Module AzurePipelinesPS -Repository PSGallery
$splat = @{
Collection = 'myCollection'
Project = 'myProject'
Instance = 'https://dev.azure.com/'
PersonalAccessToken = 'myPersonalAccessToken'
Version = 'vNext'
SessionName = 'mySession'
New-APSession @splat
Saved session data will persist on disk, it can be retrieved by Get-APSession.
$sessions = Get-APSession
$sessions | Save-APSession
$sessions = Get-APSession
$sessions | Remove-APSession
If a personal access token is provided in the session data it will be used to authenticate by default unless a credential is supplied. If neither a personal access token or a credential is provided the module will attempt to authenticate with default credentials. Default credentials only work for on premise. See the 'Create personal access tokens to authenticate access' article for a walk through on how to create a personal access token.
Write-APLogMessage, Set-APVariable, Set-APTaskResult, Set-APBuildNumber and Set-APReleaseName are all functions that wrap the Azure Pipelines VSO Commands. I use Write-APLogMessage to handle all warnings and errors in my scripts that run within an Azure DevOps pipeline. The function is a wrapper for the VSO command so the warnings and errors are displayed correctly with in the task log as well as in the task results. I then use Set-APTaskResult to return the appropriate task results back to the pipeline logs to fail or succeeded the pipeline. Set-APTaskResults also supports the SucceededWithIssues results, this comes in handy if you want to continue the release pipeline but still receive a warning that something did not succeed completely.
During development, if a function is not ready to be published as part of the module build, you can append the suffix '.Pending'. It will be considered a work in progress, the build process will ignore it and so will the repository.
Versioning of the module will happen automatically as part of Invoke-Build. If the build is not invoked from the project's Azure Pipeline the version will persist 1.0 for development.
Run the build script in the root of the project to install dependent modules and start the build
Invoke-Build Clean
Michael DeJulia | Nate Ferrell | Amanda Kitson |
Dejulia489 |
scrthq |
Kollibri |
Added support for Add-PLLogFile.
Added support for Update-APReleaseSummary.
Added 'IsOutput' support to Set-APVariable.
Added support for creating, removing, updating and querying service endpoints. Get-APServiceEndpoint, Get-APServiceEndpointExecutionHistoryList, Get-APServiceEndpointList, Get-APServiceEndpointName, Get-APServiceEndpointTypeList, New-APServiceEndpoint, Remove-APServiceEndpoint, Update-APServiceEndpoint
Added support for creating, removing, updating and queueing policy configurations. New-APPolicyConfiguration, Remove-APPolicyConfiguration, Update-APPolicyConfiguration, Invoke-APPolicyConfiguration.
Added support for getting policies. Get-APPolicyConfiguration, Get-APPolicyConfigurationList, Get-APPolicyEvaluation, Get-APPolicyEvaluationList, Get-APPolicyRevision, Get-APPolicyRevisionList, Get-APPolicyType, Get-APPolicyTypeList.
Added notification subscription support. Get-APNotificationSubscription, Get-APNotificationSubscriptionList, Get-APNotificationSubscriptionTemplateList, New-APNotificationSubscription, Remove-APNotificationSubscription.
Added Get-APGitPullRequestList.
Added Update-APBuild.
Resolved the cross platform application data bug, Issue #4. Session management is now supported on MacOS.
Added support for removing releases. This endpoint is undocumented, but admittedly easy to find. Sorry for the wait! Remove-APRelease
Added Get-APDeploymentList.
Fixed a bug in Wait-APRelease. Wait-APRelease did not handle the 'queued' status so it would return the release results immediately.
Fixed a bug in Wait-APBuild. Wait-APBuild did not handle the 'notStarted' status so it would return the build results immediately.
Added Get-APSourceProviderList and Set-APVariable
Added Set-APReleaseName.
Added Set-APBuildNumber.
Added New-APGitBranch, Remove-APGitFile and Get-APGitRefList.
Added Get-APAccessControlListList, Get-APPersonalAccessTokenList and Get-APSecurityNamespaceList.
Added Write-APLogMessage and Set-APTaskResult.
Added PSModule support, Register-APPSRepository, Find-APPSModule, Install-APPSModule and New-APFeed.
Added proxy support, sessions now support a proxy url and credential.
2.0.1 Breaking Changes
Updated Wait-APBuild an Wait-APRelease to return once the status of 'inProgress' exits.
Added Get-APWidgetList, Get-APWidget, Add-APWidget, Get-APDashboard and Remove-APDashboard.
Added Get-APInstalledExtension, Get-APInstalledExtensionList and Update-APInstalledExtension.
Added Wait-APBuild and Wait-APRelease timeout errors.
Added Wait-APBuild and Wait-APRelease. Resolved New-APRelease bug that caused artifact authentication failures.
Resolved Set-APQueryParameters bug that forced all query parameters to lower.
Improved session handling, all functions now support session input in the form of a session name! Improved session tests!
Get-APBuildList -Session 'mySession'
Added Get-APGitItem.
Implemented PSCredentials into session handling and all functions. You can now save a session with a service account credential to make tooling easier!
Implemented Pester tests for each function, Code Covered 77.48 %! Deprecated the Version parameter for New-APSession, it has been replaced with ApiVersion. Creating sessions with tooling made easier!