A simple jQuery plugin to integrate WhatsApp Share Button to a blog.
This plugin guide you how you can easily share URL of an article/post on WhatsApp application. Thiw allows you to configure some options for look and feel. Further that has been not decided how we can integrate this for desktop version of the WhatsApp but I will work on that too. For now you can simply follow below guideline to configure this plugin for you web project in responsive design.
If you have any doubts or query, do not hasitate to shoot me an email on ku@kutec.co.in.
Iuse to share my knowledge on my tech blog - http://teckstack.com - please subscribe to get regular updates.
This document shows you manipulation with jQuery and HTML markups.
/* * jQuery Plugin: WhatsApp Share Button * Article : http://teckstack.com/whatsapp-share-button * Demo : http://demo.teckstack.com/WhatsApp-Share-Button * * Copyright (c) 2015 Kushal Jayswal * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses or later. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * */ (function ($) { $.fn.wsBtn = function(options) { // Configuration var settings = $.extend({ // These are the defaults. message : "This button fires only in devices.", bgColor : "#090", container : ".post", target : "h2" }, options ); this.each(function(){ // Variables var el = $(this); var box = el.find(settings.container); var targetTo = box.find(settings.target); var aTag = targetTo.find('a'); var devices = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Conditional Check if(aTag && devices){ // appending WhatsApp Sharing button to container box.append(" Share"); } // Future Plan /*else{ boxes.on("click",".wa_btn", function() { alert(settings.message); }); }*/ // Data Manipulation box.on('click','.wa_btn',function(){ var url = $(this).parent(box).find(aTag).attr('href'); var txt = $(this).parent(box).find(targetTo).text(); var wmsg = encodeURIComponent(txt)+" - "+encodeURIComponent(url); var wurl = 'whatsapp://send?text='+wmsg; $(this).attr('href',wurl); $(this).attr('data-href',url); $(this).attr('data-text',txt); }); }); }; }( jQuery ));
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Effots by @kutec and posted on http://teckstack.com/whatsapp-share-button.
Follow my blog: @teckstack.