This repo is the solution for de code-challange proposed by DeepX.
this project uses Carthage*, to instal dependencies run
$ carthage bootstrap --platform iOS
*I decided to not include de Carthage/ folder on source control to get smaller repo size and don`t have trash commints from libreries update.
To work with github API a github application was needed to have a higher limit rate for the chained requests.
Resource | No Auth(requests/hour) | Auth(requests/hour) |
core | 60 | 5000 |
search | 10 | 30 |
graphql | 0 | 5000 |
rate | 60 | 5000 |
This project uses the icons from this file-icons, they only have .svg files available. The .svg files were than converted to .pdf using caisosvg converter.:D
The app icon was made using Sketch app, and its included on the repositorie.