Java ML library made for educational purposes mostly(no optimization, threads, gpu, etc) to study and practise ml theory things for people with strong java background - for those who find it difficult to study ml concepts(f.e. lin algebra) and python concepts(f.e. numpy) simultaneously - like me.
Made with pure java math without any libs except lombok, slf4j and junit, code organization is more common for java project with builders, interfaces, hierarchy and so on - so can be easily extended with new optimization or regularization technics.
MNIST - is a database of hand-written digits. With 10 simple classes in java we can learn to determine digit on photo with 90% acccuracy within 15 minutes learning on one CPU. Kaggle competiton
- Math
- Train
- Weight initializations
- Loss functions
- Layers
- Activation Functions
- Training Methods
- Optimizations
- Regularizations
From MNISTest.learnWithDefaultSettings
DataSet mnist = DataSets.MNIST(Paths.get("/tmp/mnist"));
Model model = Models.linear(784, 30, 10)
Path path = Paths.get("/tmp/mnist_model");;
Model modelLoaded = Models.load(path);
logger.debug("X1: " + M.asPixels([1], 28, 28)));
logger.debug("Expected answer: " + modelLoaded.resultFunction.apply(mnist.train.y[1]));
logger.debug("Model answer: " + modelLoaded.evaluate(mnist.train.x[1]));
2018-12-19 14:12:05:926 +0300 [main] INFO Epoch 0 train accuracy 26,893 % test accuracy 26,810 % MSE: 12,620
2018-12-19 14:41:55:975 +0300 [main] INFO Epoch 88 train accuracy 88,543 % test accuracy 88,940 % MSE: 1,954
2018-12-19 14:47:27:645 +0300 [main] DEBUG X1:
| |
| |
| |
| .xXx. |
| .XXXXX |
| .XXXXXX.. |
| ..XXXXX.XXx |
| .XXXXxXX..Xx |
| .XXXX..x. XX. |
| .xXXX. XXx |
| .XXX... XXX |
| .XX. XXX |
| .XXx XXx |
| .XX. .xXX. |
| .XX .xXX. |
| .Xx .xXX |
| xXX xXXx |
| .XXx...XXXXx. |
| .xXXXx. |
| |
| |
| |
| |
2018-12-19 14:47:27:646 +0300 [main] DEBUG Expected answer: 0.0
2018-12-19 14:47:27:662 +0300 [main] DEBUG Model answer: 0.0