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cacher is a go redis client wrapper equipped with some utility function that make your life easier in using redis. cacher created based on redigo library.


  • Create Redis Connection
redisConn := &redigo.Pool{
    MaxIdle:     100,
    MaxActive:   10000,
    IdleTimeout: 240 * time.Second,
    Dial: func() (redigo.Conn, error) {
        c, err := redigo.DialURL("redis://localhost:6379/0")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return c, err
redisLockConn := &redigo.Pool{
    MaxIdle:     100,
    MaxActive:   10000,
    IdleTimeout: 240 * time.Second,
    Dial: func() (redigo.Conn, error) {
        c, err := redigo.DialURL("redis://localhost:6379/0")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        return c, err
  • Create Keeper
    Keeper hold all the utility function while there are also KeeperWithFailover which has all the Keeper functionality but with some extension. KeeperWithFailover will store cache to 2 redis db, one for main cache, another one for failover cache. The failover cache will keep updated like the main cache but with longer TTL. For more information about cache with failover, refer to here.
// keeper
cacheKeeper := cacher.NewKeeper()
cacheKeeper.SetDefaultTTL(15 * time.Minute)

// keeper with failover
cacheKeeperWithFailover := cacher.NewKeeperWithFailover()
cacheKeeperWithFailover.SetDefaultTTL(15 * time.Minute)
cacheKeeperWithFailover.SetFailoverTTL(1 * time.Hour)
  • Using the keeper

Store item to redis

cacheItem := cacher.NewItem("cache-key", "value")

Store item with custom TTL
note that custom TTL doesn't work on StoreFailover method

cacheItem := cacher.NewItemWithCustomTTL("cache-key", "value", time.Minute * 5)

Get value from cache

res, _ := cacheKeeper.Get("cache-key")

Get With Lock

res, mu, _ := cacheKeeper.GetOrLock("cache-key")

Get or Set
GetOrSet will get value from redis, if there's no cache with the defined key, then it will execute the getter function you specified and store the returned value to redis.
If GetOrSet used by KeeperWithFailover, it will return value from failover cache if there's no cache from the main cache and the getter function returned an error.

getterFunction := func() (any, error) {
	// get data from data source
	return "data-from-db", nil
res, _ := cacheKeeper.GetOrSet(key, getterFunction)

DeleteByKeys will delete main cache and also the failover cache if u use KeeperWithFailover

keys := []string{"cache-a", "cache-b", "cache-c"}
err := cacheKeeper.DeleteByKeys(keys)