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fixes #2 - initial, rough GWA mapping for DanNet
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- create a mapping for the DanNet 2.2 CSV files
- load a Jena db using the new mapping
- example query of the Ontolex-Lemon structure
  • Loading branch information
simongray committed Jun 15, 2021
1 parent 8815d29 commit 24cbcbf
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Showing 3 changed files with 283 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions deps.edn
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
gorillalabs/neo4j-clj {:mvn/version "4.1.0"}
clj-http {:mvn/version "3.10.3"}
ubergraph {:mvn/version "0.8.2"}
org.clojure/data.csv {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}

;; Fixes Java 9+ module error present in aristotle (or one of its dependencies).
Expand Down
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions src/dk/wordnet/csv.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
(ns dk.wordnet.csv
"Mapping the old DanNet CSV export to Ontolex-lemon.
The following relations are excluded as part of the import:
- eq_has_synonym: mapping to an old version of Princeton Wordnet
- eq_has_hyponym: mapping to an old version of Princeton Wordnet
- eq_has_hyperonym: mapping to an old version of Princeton Wordnet
- used_for_qualby: not in use, just 1 full triple + 3 broken ones
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as csv]))

(defn synset-uri
(keyword "dn" (str "synset-" id)))

(defn word-uri
(keyword "dn" (str "word-" id)))

(defn wordsense-uri
(keyword "dn" (str "wordsense-" id)))

(def brug
#"\s*\(Brug: \"(.+)\"")

;; TODO: get this approved
(defn lexical-form-uri
[word-id form]
(keyword "dn" (str "form-" word-id "-" (str/replace form #" " "_"))))

;; Note: a single "used_for_qualby" rel exists in the dataset - likely an error
;; @prefix wn: <> .
(def gwa-rel
{"concerns" :wn/also ;TODO
"used_for" :wn/instrument
"used_for_object" :wn/involved_instrument
"has_holonym" :wn/holonym
"has_holo_location" :wn/holo_location
"has_holo_madeof" :wn/holo_substance
"has_holo_member" :wn/holo_member
"has_holo_part" :wn/holo_part
"has_hyperonym" :wn/hypernym
"has_hyponym" :wn/hyponym
"has_meronym" :wn/meronym
"has_mero_location" :wn/mero_location
"has_mero_madeof" :wn/mero_substance
"has_mero_member" :wn/mero_member
"has_mero_part" :wn/mero_part
"involved_agent" :wn/co_agent_instrument ;TODO
"involved_instrument" :wn/co_instrument_agent ;TODO
"involved_patient" :wn/involved_patient ;TODO
"made_by" :wn/result
"near_synonym" :wn/similar
"near_antonym" :wn/antonym ;TODO: information loss?
"role_agent" :wn/agent
"role_patient" :wn/patient
"domain" :wn/has_domain_topic
"is_instance_of" :wn/instance_hypernym

;; xpos_near_synonym is from EuroWordnet: "we have decided to use a separate
;; relation for synonymy across parts-of-speech: XPOS_NEAR_SYNONYM"
;; See:
"xpos_near_synonym" :wn/similar})

(defn form->lexical-entry
"Derive the correct Ontolex LexicalEntry type from the `form` of a word."
(re-find #" " form)

(or (str/starts-with? form "-")
(str/ends-with? form "-"))

:else :ontolex/Word))

(defn determine-usage-word
"Given a `label` from the synsets.csv file and an example `usage`,
determine which of the words in the label the example pertains to."
[label usage]
(let [usage* (str/lower-case usage)
label* (str/lower-case label)
words (map str/trim (re-seq #"[-æøå a-z]+" label*))]
(loop [[word & rem-words] words]
(when word
(if (str/includes? usage* word)
(recur rem-words))))))

;; TODO: usage triples
;; Ideally this should be triples of the form:
#_#{[wordsense :ontolex/usage '_usage]
['_usage :rdf/value usage-example]}
;; This requires mapping the word form and synset to the matching wordsense.

(defn ->synset-usages
"Convert a `row` from 'synsets.csv' to usage key-value pairs."
[[synset-id label gloss _ :as row]]
(when-let [[_ usage-str] (re-find brug gloss)]
(for [usage (str/split usage-str #" \|\| |\"; \"")]
(when-let [word (determine-usage-word label usage)]
[(synset-uri synset-id) word usage]))))

(defn ->synset-triples
"Convert a `row` from 'synsets.csv' to triples."
[[synset-id label gloss ontological-type :as row]]
(when (= (count row) 5)
(let [synset (synset-uri synset-id)]
#{[synset :rdfs/label label]
;; TODO: separate usage example from definition
[synset :skos/definition (str/replace gloss brug "")]
[synset :dns/ontologicalType ontological-type]
[synset :rdf/type :ontolex/LexicalConcept]})))

;; TODO: generate reverse relations?
;; TODO: inheritance comment currently ignored - what to do?
(defn ->relation-triples
"Convert a `row` from 'relations.csv' to triples.
Note: certain rows are unmapped, so the relation will remain a string!"
[[subj-id _ rel obj-id taxonomic _ :as row]]
(when (= (count row) 7)
(let [subj (synset-uri subj-id)
obj (synset-uri obj-id)]
(if (and (= taxonomic "nontaxonomic")
(= rel "has_hyperonym"))
#{[subj :dns/hypernym_ortho obj]
[subj (gwa-rel rel) obj]}
(if-let [rel* (gwa-rel rel)]
#{[subj rel* obj]}
#{[subj rel obj-id]})))))

(defn ->word-triples
"Convert a `row` from 'words.csv' to triples."
[[word-id form pos :as row]]
(when (= (count row) 4)
(let [word (word-uri word-id)
lexical-form (lexical-form-uri word-id form)]
#{[lexical-form :ontolex/writtenRep form]
[lexical-form :rdf/type :ontolex/Form]

[word :rdfs/label form]
[word :ontolex/canonicalForm lexical-form]
[word :lexinfo/partOfSpeech pos]
[word :rdf/type :ontolex/lexicalEntry]
[word :rdf/type (form->lexical-entry form)]})))

;; TODO: register mapping
(defn ->wordsense-triples
"Convert a `row` from 'wordsenses.csv' to triples."
[[wordsense-id word-id synset-id register :as row]]
(when (= (count row) 5)
(let [wordsense (wordsense-uri wordsense-id)
word (word-uri word-id)
synset (synset-uri synset-id)]
#{[wordsense :rdf/type :ontolex/LexicalSense]
[wordsense :ontolex/isLexicalizedSenseOf synset]
[wordsense :ontolex/isSenseOf word]

[word :ontolex/evokes synset]
[word :ontolex/sense wordsense]

[synset :ontolex/isEvokedBy word]
[synset :ontolex/lexicalizedSense wordsense]})))

(defn unmapped?
(some (comp string? second) triples))

(def csv-imports
{:synsets [->synset-triples (io/resource "dannet/csv/synsets.csv")]
:relations [->relation-triples (io/resource "dannet/csv/relations.csv")]
:words [->word-triples (io/resource "dannet/csv/words.csv")]
:wordsenses [->wordsense-triples (io/resource "dannet/csv/wordsenses.csv")]})

(defn read-triples
"Return triples using `row->triples` from the rows of a DanNet CSV `file`."
[row->triples file]
(with-open [reader (io/reader file :encoding "ISO-8859-1")]
(->> (csv/read-csv reader :separator \@)
(map row->triples)

;; Example usages
(->> (read-triples ->synset-usages (io/resource "dannet/csv/synsets.csv"))
(remove nil?)
(take 10))

;; Example Synsets
(->> (apply read-triples (resources :synsets))
(take 10))

;; Example Words
(->> (apply read-triples (resources :words))
(take 10))

;; Example Wordsenses
(->> (apply read-triples (resources :wordsenses))
(take 10))

;; Example relations
(->> (apply read-triples (resources :relations))
(remove unmapped?)
(take 10))

;; unconverted relations
(->> (apply read-triples (resources :relations))
(map (comp second first))
(filter string?)
(into #{}))

;; Find instances of a specific relation
(let [rel "used_for_qualby"]
(->> (read-triples ->relation-triples (resources :relations))
(filter (comp (partial = rel) second first))
(into #{})))
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/dk/wordnet/db.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
(ns dk.wordnet.db
(:require [arachne.aristotle :as aristotle]
[arachne.aristotle.registry :as reg]
[arachne.aristotle.query :as q]
[dk.wordnet.csv :as dn-csv]))

(reg/prefix 'wn "")
(reg/prefix 'ontolex "")
(reg/prefix 'skos "")
(reg/prefix 'lexinfo "")

;; TODO: use new DanNet namespaces instead
(reg/prefix 'dn "")
(reg/prefix 'dns "")

(defn ->dannet
"Create an in-memory Jena database based on the DanNet 2.2 `csv-imports`.
The returned database uses the new GWA relations rather than the old ones."
(let [read-triples #(->> (dn-csv/read-triples %1 %2)
(remove nil?)
(remove dn-csv/unmapped?))]
(fn [g [row->triples file]]
(aristotle/add g (read-triples row->triples file)))
(aristotle/graph :simple)
(vals csv-imports))))

(defn synonyms
"Return synonyms of the word with the given `lemma`."
[db lemma]
(->> (q/run db
[?form :ontolex/writtenRep ?lemma]
[?word :ontolex/canonicalForm ?form]
[?word :ontolex/evokes ?synset]
[?word* :ontolex/evokes ?synset]
[?word* :ontolex/canonicalForm ?form*]
[?form* :ontolex/writtenRep ?synonym]]
{'?lemma lemma})
(apply concat)
(remove #{lemma})))

(def dannet
(->dannet dn-csv/csv-imports))

;; Querying DanNet for various synonyms
(synonyms dannet "vand")
(synonyms dannet "sild")
(synonyms dannet "hoved")
(synonyms dannet "bil")

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