Commander keen4 for Tandy 16 color hack/patch.
Based on the Keen 4 composite CGA patch. See:
- Get a copy of Keen 4 CGA. You should see a checksum like:
$ md5sum KEEN4C.EXE
ebf2e480fb1c44904ccd3b22677d6625 KEEN4C.EXE
Extract your keen4 CGA zip.
Copy KEEN4T.BAT, KEEN4T.PAT, CK4PATCH.EXE, c16graph.ck4, and cgahead.ck4 to the same location.
Run in dosbox, or on your Tandy 1000:
This is a kind of quick-n-nasty reworking of the 16 color composite work noted above to Tandy 160x200 mode. This won't look as good as a nice 320x200 TGA mode version.
While it ought to technically possible to create a 320x200 TGA mode version, one would probably want to leverage the EGA graphics. EGA and TGA work very differently, however, so it would take quite a lot more work.