A repository for an experimental course on object-oriented disease modelling using R6 (and maybe C++)
The current plan for topics to cover is:
- Wednesday 17th May (90 mins + beers)
- When should we create an R package?
- How should we create an R package?
- Tour of an R package structure
- Debugging an R package
- Basics of functions and S3 classes
- Basics of git
- Introduction to unit tests and R CMD check
- Wednesday 31st May (90 mins)
- Programming styles: procedural vs functional vs object oriented
- Introduction to R6
- Good programming practice: encapsulation, version control, testing, vignettes, help files
- Disease modelling using R6 (discrete-time mechanistic models)
- Wednesday 14th June (90 mins + beers)
- R6, inheritance and importing other packages
- Object-oriented disease modelling using BLOFELD
- Modularising populations, spread mechanisms, control mechanisms, and book-keeping functions
- TBC: iGraph, sf
- Wednesday 28th June (90 mins)
- TBC: Rcpp, template meta-programming
Then we will have a summer break, and possibly (probably?) continue in September/October
All meetings will be hybrid - contact Matt for the Zoom link if you don't already have it.