This is asimple python optical character recognition server. It's model consists of two parts - detection(CRAFT) and recognition(deep-text-regonition)
Warning! This is a commercial application by Huawei Turkey (Copyright 2021)
Install dependencies;
- numpy
- Pillow
- opencv-python-headless
- scikit-image
- werkzeug
- flask-restplus == 0.12.1
- flask == 1.0.3
- pyarmor
- cryptography
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the terminal on the project path and then run the following command.
Note : Import OCR_REST-API.postman_collection.json
file to postman
collections for easy demo
Swagger will be available http://{server_ip}:{server_port}
Please, look at the wiki page for swagger usage details
First of all, download inference engine software package from hiascend website to project path and then build the docker image by running the following code on bash.
sudo docker build -t pyacl_ocr_api:1.0 \
--build-arg .
Finally, you can run the docker image with the following code on bash.
sudo 8500 8500 pyacl_ocr_api:1.0
Please, use utils/ script to encrypt files like *.om
and *.cfg
files as follows
python3 --model <file_name>
And then put the generated code in the
First, creat an expired license and then obfuscate the code with that license as like below
$ pyarmor licenses --expired YYYY-MM-DD r001
$ pyarmor obfuscate --with-license licenses/r001/license.lic --recursive --advanced 2