This is a simple python object detection and classification server using yolov5.
This server runs multithreaded. The requests from many different users at the same time are queued and sent to the asynchronous inference server using the Redis(message queuing/message brokering) infrastructure.
Please, follow the steps bellow for an easy demo.
Install python dependencies;
- redis
- numpy
- Pillow
- requests
- werkzeug
- configparser
- opencv-python-headless
- flask-restplus==0.12.1
- flask==1.0.3
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Linux(Ubuntu 18.04/20.04) packages;
- redis
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install redis-server -y
Download the PT
file of from this link,
- Upload the pt file to
Use the onnx_exporter/
script in this repository to convert PT
file to ONNX
The Slice and Transpose operators will slow down the model inference significantly. Use the onnx_exporter/
script in this repo to remove the impact of these operators.
cd ./weights
atc --model=yolov5s_modify.onnx \
--framework=5 \
--output=yolov5s_modify \
--soc_version=Ascend310 \
--input_shape="images:1,12,320,320" \
Open the terminal on the project path and then run the following command.
Note : Import Yolov5 Flask Rest API.postman_collection.json
file to postman collections for easy demo
Swagger will be available http://{server_ip}:{server_port}
Open web browser, upload an image and enjoy using Swagger UI for easy demo!
Open the terminal on the project path and then run the following command.
python3 utils/
Note : You can edit all app settings such as stress test, swagger etc. via data/app.cfg
First of all, download inference engine software package from hiascend website to project path and then build the docker image by running the following code on bash.
sudo docker build -t pyacl_flask_rest_api:1.0 \
--build-arg .
Finally, you can run the docker image with the following code on bash.
sudo pyacl_flask_rest_api:1.0
Kubilay Tuna
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd