This project is an improved version of tv_announcement_system
Feel free to check out a live demo of the project at To login, use the credentials:
- Email: Pass: 12345678
- Email: Pass: 12345678
Please do note that this project is still in development and that the live demo is set in development mode not production mode so behaviour of the project may be different in production mode.
To get started, set up a SQL database and import the db setup files as tables. The db setup files have template values filled in so that the system is running once set up and shows its functionality. Feel free to play around with the system and fork it at anytime. This repo will be updated eventually to contain new functionality, improved settings, and an improved interface. Db Table structures have changed, need to update the db setup process. (This will be done soon).
Note: Will update the system to setup the database on first time use in the future.
Resources this system uses: