This plugin provides the OmniAuth CAS strategy into OpenProject.
Add the following entries to your Gemfile.plugins
in your OpenProject root directory:
gem 'openproject-auth_plugins', git: '', branch: 'stable'
gem "openproject-auth_cas", git: '', branch: 'stable'
- omniauth-cas gem > 1.1.0
- OpenProject > 4.0
- openproject-auth_plugins
To add your own CAS strategy provider(s), create the following settings file (relative to your OpenProject root):
with the following contents:
name: "your-provider-name"
url: ""
display_name: "My CAS provider"
# Use the default CAS icon
icon: "auth_provider-cas.png"
# Extended Attributes mapping
uid_key: "username"
The plugin simply passes all options to omniauth-cas. See their configuration documentation for further details.
If you have the use-case of multiple CAS / Single-Sign On providers, simply add several providers to your yaml config, OpenProject will handle the rest automatically.
To add a custom icon to be rendered as your omniauth provider icon, add an image asset to OpenProject and reference it in your settings.yml
icon: "my/asset/path/to/icon.png"
OpenProject CAS Auth is completely free and open source and released under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2014 Oliver Günther (
The default provider icon is a combination of icons from Font Awesome by Dave Gandy.