📑Bookmarks on learning Remote Sensing, R/Python, ML/DL and related topics:
These are the resources I have gone through (or tried going through) and found very helpful in learning. The main focus is to gather resources of agriculture remote sensing (crops, vegetation, soil), precision agriculture and advanced topics of that domain. Resources free, and easily available will only be listed.
The resources will be updated time to time as I discover any resources.
YT: YouTube video link / 'playlist'
Github: Github Repo link
ART: research / review articles; THE: thesis
B: books, PRE: presentation
SITE: websites / blogs / training page / moocs /
FUN: interactive websites / online games / for learning
Github: D-Lab · GitHub (contains different repos.)
YT: 'channel' Geo-Python - YouTube
B: i. https://rspatial.org/raster/index.html; ii. https://r-spatial.org/book/01-hello.html
SITE: https://www.earthdatascience.org/courses/ (great modules in learning basics)
FUN: https://tidydatatutor.com, https://pandastutor.com (visualizing the code)
SITE/TUTORIAL: https://ourcodingclub.github.io/tutorials.html [ online weekly workshops in R and related areas ]
https://landscape.satsummit.io Satellites in Global Development
SITE: 'course' eo-college.org (all the awesome courses)
SITE: 'GEOG160' https://www.e-education.psu.edu/geog160/node/1405
SITE: https://step.esa.int/main/doc/tutorials/ (tutorial for SentiNel Application Program or SNAP toolbox)
'playlist' Remote Sensing and GIS (course from NPTEL IIT)
'channel' RUS Copernicus Training - YouTube
YT: Introduction to Remote Sensing with Python [GitHub - yohman/workshop-remote-sensing] - talks with GEE in python
YT: 'playlist' for learning remote sensing with drones
YT: 'playlist' agriculture-remote-sensing - YouTube (contains live webinar from Indian Institute of Remote Sensing and helpful videos)
ARSET - Understanding Phenology with Remote Sensing | NASA Applied Sciences
ARSET - Satellite Remote Sensing for Agricultural Applications | NASA Applied Sciences
12th ESA Training Course on Earth Observation 2022 - eo science for society
ARSET - Crop Mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Optical Remote Sensing (April 4, 2023 - April 11, 2023)
SITE: DIGITAL AGRICULTURE https://onfarmresearch.unl.edu/resources
SITE: FAO Webinar Series: Earth observation data for agricultural statistics (8 March to 10 May 2023)
SITE: https://asf.alaska.edu (everything in this site is for us to master SAR)
SITE: https://learnsar.open.uaf.edu/sar-resources/ (links to resources)
6th ESA Advanced Course on Radar Polarimetry 2021 - eo science for society
ARSET - Hyperspectral Data for Land and Coastal Systems | NASA Applied Sciences
ARSET - Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar | NASA Applied Sciences
ARSET - Radar Remote Sensing for Land, Water, & Disaster Applications | NASA Applied Sciences
ARSET - SAR for Disasters and Hydrological Applications | NASA Applied Sciences
ARSET - SAR for Landcover Applications | NASA Applied Sciences
ARSET - Disaster Assessment Using Synthetic Aperture Radar | NASA Applied Sciences [2022] ~ demonstration of earth engine
- PRE: First part of the training: more learning resource at the end
~ mostly with satellite imagery and topics of personal interests (preferences towards vegetation and crops)
SITE: https://blogs.fu-berlin.de/reseda/machine-learning-basics/#1 (machine learning basics)
B: https://e-sensing.github.io/sitsbook/ Data Analysis and Machine Learning on Earth Observation Data Cubes with Satellite Image Time Series
YT: Deep Learning for Remote Sensing images with R language [GitHub - ricds/DL_RS_GEE]
YT: Christian Knoth - Introduction to Deep Learning in R for analysis of UAV-based remote sensing data [GitHub - DaChro/ogh_summer_school_2020"]
SITE: Basics of Neural Networks --- Basics of Neural Networks documentation (mltraining.readthedocs.io)
SITE: ARSET - Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Earth Science
FUN: mlu-explain.github.io (machine learning blog with interacitivity)
FUN: https://playground.tensorflow.org (we see the magic there)
SITE: https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/foundational-courses, advanced-courses
https://www.eefabook.org (the only book we will need to learn GEE)
https://www.remotesensing.dev/docs/A01-Attribution (contains 5 LABS - GEE)
Introductory course to Google Earth Engine: [ https://doi.org/10.4060/cb9049en ]
SITE: https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/guides; https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/tutorials (the most important and best ones among all)
SITE: https://spatialthoughts.com/learning-paths/ (also for python and QGIS)
SITE: 'course' ARSET - Using Google Earth Engine for Land Monitoring Applications | NASA Applied Sciences
YT 'channel' GEARS - Geospatial Ecology and Remote Sensing
SITE: https://calekochenour.github.io/remote-sensing-textbook/introduction.html
SITE: Home - 2022 Geo for Good Summit (earthoutreachonair.withgoogle.com)