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About this library

This is a .NET library for Maskinporten authentication and authorization. There is also a similar version available for Java here


The NuGet package is signed with a KS certificate in our build process, stored securely in a safe build environment. The package assemblies are also strong-named.


Install KS.Fiks.Maskinporten.Client NuGet package in your .NET project.


Setup configuration

Using factory for TEST and PROD environments

// For TEST
var maskinportenConfigTest = MaskinportenClientConfigurationFactory.CreateTestConfiguration("test_issuer", testCertificate);

// For PROD
var maskinportenConfigProd = MaskinportenClientConfigurationFactory.CreateProdConfiguration("prod_issuer", certificate);

// DEPRECATED - For TEST (ver2)
var maskinportenConfigVer2 = MaskinportenClientConfigurationFactory.CreateVer2Configuration("ver2_issuer", testCertificate);

Complete configuration

Test environment
var maskinportenConfig = new MaskinportenClientConfiguration(
    audience: @"", // Maskinporten audience path
    tokenEndpoint: @"", // Maskinporten token path
    issuer: @"issuer",  // Issuer name, heter nå Integrasjonens identifikator i selvbetjeningsløsningen til DigDir
    numberOfSecondsLeftBeforeExpire: 10, // The token will be refreshed 10 seconds before it expires
    certificate: /* virksomhetssertifikat as a X509Certificate2  */,
    privateKey: /* use together with public key if not using certificate parameter  */,
    publicKey: /* use together with private key if not using certificate parameter */,
    keyIdentifier: /* optional value. Sets header kid */,
    consumerOrg: /* optional value. Sets header consumer_org */);
Test environment - ver2 (deprecated)
var maskinportenConfig = new MaskinportenClientConfiguration(
    audience: @"", // Maskinporten audience path
    tokenEndpoint: @"", // Maskinporten token path
    issuer: @"issuer",  // Issuer name, heter nå Integrasjonens identifikator i selvbetjeningsløsningen til DigDir
    numberOfSecondsLeftBeforeExpire: 10, // The token will be refreshed 10 seconds before it expires
    certificate: /* virksomhetssertifikat as a X509Certificate2  */,
    privateKey: /* use together with public key if not using certificate parameter  */,
    publicKey: /* use together with private key if not using certificate parameter */,
    keyIdentifier: /* optional value. Sets header kid */,
    consumerOrg: /* optional value. Sets header consumer_org */);

DigDir maintains a list of well-know endpoints and configuration for the available environments

Create instance of MaskinportenClient

var maskinportenClient = new MaskinportenClient(maskinportenConfig);

Get access token

var scope = "ks:fiks"; // Scope for access token
var accessToken = await maskinportenClient.GetAccessToken(scope);

Get access token using TokenRequest builder

var tokenRequest = new TokenRequestBuilder()
    .WithScopes("ks:fiks") // Scope for access token
    .WithConsumerOrg("123456789") // Official 9 digit organization number for an organization that has delegated access to you in ALTINN
    .WithOnBehalfOf("123456789") // Official 9 digit organization number for an organization that has delegated access to you in ALTINN
    .WithAudience("https://some/api") // 'resource' claim in the JWT grant and 'aud' claim in the resulting access token
    .WithPid("12345678901") // Personal indentification number of the intended subject of the subsequent API calls

var accessToken = await maskinportenClient.GetAccessToken(tokenRequest);

Get delegated access token

var scope = "ks:fiks"; // Scope for access token
var consumerOrgNo = ...; // Official 9 digit organization number for an organization that has delegated access to you in ALTINN
var accessToken = await maskinportenClient.GetDelegatedAccessToken(consumerOrgNo, scope);

For more information on this feature, check the delegation documentation at DigDir

Get delegated access audience-restricted token

var audience = "https://some/api"; // Audience for access token
var scope = "ks:fiks"; // Scope for access token
var consumerOrgNo = ...; // Official 9 digit organization number for an organization that has delegated access to you in ALTINN
var accessToken = await maskinportenClient.GetDelegatedAccessTokenForAudience(consumerOrgNo, audience, scope);

For more information on this feature, check the delegation documentation audience-restricted tokens at DigDir

Get on behalf of access token

This is a feature with limited usecase

var scope = "ks:fiks"; // Scope for access token
var consumerOrgNo = ...; // Official 9 digit organization number for an organization that has delegated access to you in ALTINN
var accessToken = await maskinportenClient.GetOnBehalfOfAccessToken(consumerOrgNo, scope);

For more information on this feature, check the onbehalfof documentation at DigDir

Please note that as stated in the documentation at DigDir, "Det gir ingen mening å bruke onbehalfof for Maskinporten-integrasjoner", means that for most cases it is not usable and is planned for removal. When it is removed this feature will be removed from this client too.

Send request using access token

var httpClient = new HttpClient();
using (var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, /* api uri */))
  // Set authorization header with maskinporten access token
  requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken.Token);
  /* Set other headers. Integration id and password etc.*/ 
  // Send message
  var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(requestMessage);

  /* Handle response */


.net-klient for generere access token fra Maskinporten



Security policy





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