SpreadSheetViewer is web app using backbone.js (http://backbonejs.org/) framework, the app as the name justs is used to view spreadsheets. Currently, it supports only csv file.
- It has two views which are displayed side by side
- First view, contains a spread sheet and application uses spread.js for this.
- Second view, has a simple HTML table that represents the data inside the spread sheet in first view.
- Any edit i.e. add/ delete/update of data done in spread sheet are reflected instantly on HTML table i.e. second view.
- In first view, there is a simple button ("submit query") that lets users select and read a CSV file that contains data, this data is reflected in spread sheet and in turn the second view is also updated.
- Run this app with command "node new.js"
- Open in browser to view the app.