A new product based on IoTForce. The prototype is based on low-cost hardware to monitor the moisture in the soil and irrigate the plant based on a 5v motor that pumps the water. The moisture can be configured through Salesforce and the lectures from the sensor can be monitored. The intention is to create a centralized hub with an ESP32 in order to monitor multiple plants, and all the data can be reported or monitor in Salesforce.
The stack selected:
- Features in Salesforce:
- Online monitoring of moisture.
- Moisture level configuration for trigger the water pumping.
- Flow configuration (based on minutes)
- IOT Proxy:
- Ioticos(MQTT)
- Hardware:
- ESP32
- Moisture sensor
- 5v Relay
- 5v motor
- Software:
- Arduino IDE
- Salesforce:
- Custom Object: Plant
- (python folder) nohup python3 ./forever.py > gardenforce.log &
- systemctl reload apache2
- Review errors: * cd /var/log/apache2/ * cat access.log * cat error.log