This repo contains personal/pet projects made for understanding algorithms from scratch and training models in their entirety without using machine learning libraries for sequential layers or feature classification
- Spam Email Classfier Using SVM
- Movie Recommendation System Using Collaborative_Filtering
- Image Compression using K-means Algorithm
- Facial images dimensionality reduction and reconstruction using PCA
- Anomaly Detection Algorithm
- Handwriting recognition using Neural Networks Backprogapation
- Handwriting recognition using Neural Network in MATLAB Pattern Recognition App
- Handwriting recognition using One-vs-All Classification Neural Networks
- Handwriting recognition using One-vs-All Logisitc Regression
- Understanding models with different bias-variance properties using learning curves and k-folds cross validation
- Regularized Logistic Regression
- Unregularized Logistic Regression
- Multivariate Linear Regression for Housing Prediction
- Univariate Linear Regression for Cost Prediction
- MATLAB Onramp Projects :
You can run project either in octave
- Clone repository using
git clone
to project directory and either run following command inoctave
to run the project
- If you do not have Octave installed, please refer to the installation instructions on the Octave Download official site.
- At the Octave/MATLAB command line, typing
followed by a function name displays documentation for a built-in function. For example,help plot
will bring up help information for plotting. Further documentation for Octave functions can be found at the Octave documentation pages. - MATLAB is a proprietary software but see if your school/university has a MATLAB campus license.
- MATLAB documentation can be found at the MATLAB documentation pages.