This is the puppet-wowza module used for installing and configuring wowza streaming server.
$wowzakey is your Wowza streaming server license key At the moment only debian works, and you have to have the wowza streaming server deb installer in an internal repo.
class { 'wowza':
wowzakey => $wowzakey;
This adds a wowza application, defaults all work for a standard live streaming application. You can also use this to define a video on demand application by using the default type.
Live :
wowza::application { 'live':
apptype => 'Live',
streamtype => 'live',
rtmp_protect => true,
wowza::application {'vod':
apptype => 'VOD',
streamtype => 'default',
storagedir => '/var/content'
Livestream Edge
wowza::application {'live-edge':
apptype => 'LiveEdge',
streamtype => 'liverepeater-edge',
origin_url => 'wowz://[serverip]:1935/origin'